From his country’s adventures/misadventures a few years earlier in Poland and Russia, King Gustavus Adolphus had witnessed his enemy’s cavalry fight as of old, which most likely inspired him to have his cavalry emulate their eastern enemies.
pg. 123: European Warfare, 1494-1660, by Jeremy Black, Routledge, 2002 In addition, the king knew about the reforms of Henri IV of France that began in 1585 for organizing cavalry into squadrons, substituting swords and pistols for lances, but still aggressively charging. As with Henri IV, hard, fast shock was paramount for the king and to be delivered immediately, not after his cavalry eroded the opposition. The king began his reform of Swedish cavalry in 1621, and right off abolished the arquebus in favor of the pistol for close action. He organized his cavalry into squadrons of (ideally) 500 men each, with two squadrons constituting a regiment. When lining up to attack, a squadron would spread across into six ranks; the attack may begin with an approach, then the first shots from the Swedes, immediately followed by all attacking directly.
pg, 178-9: The Dawn of Modern Warfare, by Hans Delbrück, trans. by Walter Renfroe, Univ. Nebraska Press, 1985 Some historians of the 19th century assumed the Swedish cavalry during this war charged at the gallop and that assumption has persisted. Oops, wrong assumption! There is no evidence the Swedish cavalry ripped into their enemies at the gallop anytime during the Thirty Years War. More likely, they charged at a trot, the better to remain organized - but organized meant more than simply staying together. A Swedish cavalry brigade had its own internal organization in 1631. The battle map in this set of Web pages shows the Swedish cavalry brigades as single blocks. That's following convention, plus it's to keep down the file size of the animation; nonetheless, the reality was more complex than a simple rectangle of ranks and files. Another of the king’s reforms for cavalry was to intersperse between cavalry squadrons small contingents of musketeers, referred to as "commanded" musketeers. Obviously, they were not expected to keep pace with horses in a charge, but were to defend their cavalry units from attacking enemy cavalry. With an attack spoiled by a musket volley or two, the Swedish cavalry could launch a furious counterattack.
pg.106: The Military Intellectual and Battle, by Thomas Barker, State Univ. New York Press, 1975. Following the Dutch example, the Swedish also placed cavalry squadrons behind the lines of infantry in the belief that these squadrons, though small, would have a large impact in the fight. A tactic considered was to have the horse harass the formation of enemy infantry, "encouraging" the enemy to tighten their formation to defend against the horse - thereby rendering them a better target for musket and small cannon.
pg. 18: Pike and Shot Tactics, 1590-1660, by Keith Roberts, Osprey Publ., 2010 |