Carolyn Langdon

When the 2001 Handbook finally came out in 2003, I sent Carolyn a copy. I worried when she didn't send me a thank-you note, as she was always so fast to respond to my letters. I finally heard from her several months later. She and her husband had moved to a retirement community, and it took a while for the Handbook to catch up with them.–AMK


May 25, 2003

Dear Alicia,

Many thanks for the ASSA Handbook! I shall enjoy studying it. Just a skim is impressive.

Your piece was very well done. I can't imagine the hours it took but I can understand how much you delighted in doing it.

It was especially fun for me to get back to the Sheltie world. Our correspondence was a pleasure. I shall hope for your future successes. Congratulations on the recent ones.

Sincerely–Carolyn Langdon

P.S. We have just moved to a retirement community.



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