Where performance counts!         

Am Can Ch Boydlyn's Andy Devine, Am Can CD, ROMC


July 31, 1973–unknown

by Am Can Ch Sheldon This Is The General ex Boydlyn's Little Bit

  • 15 1/4 inches
  • Sable & white
  • Eyes certified normal

Andy was never my dog.  The late Barbara Hagen Rieseberg (Silverleaf Shelties and Sheltie Talk author) discovered him and put most of his American points on him in Colorado.  I lived in Wyoming at the time he made his appearance.  I handled him to his final 6 points, 1 major, to finish his American Championship at the Oakland KC show the week of the National Specialty in 1976.  I bred him to my Ch. Sea Isle Clancey of Sagebrush, UD, a breeding which produced Sagebrush Cindy of Roylin, UD, who had 8 points, 1 major, with a Working Group 1,  before her owner unfortunately died of cancer.  This was back in the days before the Herding Group was split out from the Working Group by AKC.  A year or so after he finished, Andy went to visit Leslie Rogers and spent a year in Canada.  He finished his Canadian Championship during that stay, and sired his twenty-one Canadian Champion offspring.  I don't know when or with whom he earned his CD title in either country.  His owner lived in western Wyoming and he rarely showed Andy.

At the time he finished his American championship, Andy was owned by Farren B. Johnson, who was also his breeder.  Andy spent some time living with Barbara Rieseberg, but she died in April 1980 the same week as our National Speciality, and I lost track of Andy after that.  He wasn't used much in the United States.  He had a very sound well-angulated body, but even for that time an older style head.  Although he was about 15 1/4 inches tall, he was heavy-boned almost to the point of coarseness.

Andy was fun to show, although having been raised in rural Wyoming, he tended to be a bit nervous.  Except for the night he pulled a Beethoven album off the shelf and chewed on it, he was pleasant and well-behaved around the house.



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